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원무팀 창구

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  • 운영시간

    08:30 ~ 17:30


  • 운영시간

    08:30 ~ 17:30
공휴일 및 주말 진료 안내


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원무팀 정인식 님

페이지 정보

  • 작성자 아○○○○○○○○○○○○
  • 날짜 작성일18-12-24 11:01
  • 조회5,278회
  • 댓글0건


My name is 아부대라아  얏기 and I am a Professor in Saekyung University . I would like to express my thanks and praise to Mr 정인식 .
I visited Yeongwol Hospital on two occasions .The first one was on November 28th,2018 with shoulder pain ,and the second one was on December 21st,2018 helping a friend of mine (아이사)who needed a Gynecologist care.
Mr 정인식 ,being a good speaker of English, treated me with the utmost friendliness, warmth and care . He helped me register in the hospital,set up my appointment with the doctor,and most important of all he showed me the different rooms where I had to receive treatment and examinations. In addition to all this ,Mr 정인식  is very polite and does everything with a constant smile on his face. I noticed that he is a hard worker and he is very efficient in what he does.
Thanks to Mr 정인식 ,I had a pleasant experience and I was in and out of Yeongwol hospital in a space of one hour.
Once more,my gratitude,thanks and compliments go to Mr 정인식 .


  • 강원특별자치도 영월군 영월읍 중앙1로 59
  • 대표전화 : 033-370-9101
  • FAX : 033-370-9137
  • 사업자 등록번호 : 225-82-01813
  • 대표자 : 서영준

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